44 research outputs found

    On the Presence of Green and Sustainable Software Engineering in Higher Education Curricula

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    Nowadays, software is pervasive in our everyday lives. Its sustainability and environmental impact have become major factors to be considered in the development of software systems. Millennials-the newer generation of university students-are particularly keen to learn about and contribute to a more sustainable and green society. The need for training on green and sustainable topics in software engineering has been reflected in a number of recent studies. The goal of this paper is to get a first understanding of what is the current state of teaching sustainability in the software engineering community, what are the motivations behind the current state of teaching, and what can be done to improve it. To this end, we report the findings from a targeted survey of 33 academics on the presence of green and sustainable software engineering in higher education. The major findings from the collected data suggest that sustainability is under-represented in the curricula, while the current focus of teaching is on energy efficiency delivered through a fact-based approach. The reasons vary from lack of awareness, teaching material and suitable technologies, to the high effort required to teach sustainability. Finally, we provide recommendations for educators willing to teach sustainability in software engineering that can help to suit millennial students needs.Comment: The paper will be presented at the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering Curricula for Millennials (SECM2017


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    Children have more dificulties with division than with other arithmetic operatios. One of the causes could be a dual nature of division, which comprehends partition and quotition as models of division. The study investigates the problem of predominance of a division model in different age groups, from childhood to adulthood. Moreover, this predominance was looked at also in relation to gender, socio-economic status, learning ability, type of school/environment and mathematical textbooks. The results have shown that the partitive division model is prevalent in all age groups regardless of the variables. We also presented a short analysis of mathematical textbooks for primary school in our country, as we believe that the school practices should take the partitive model into account, if pupils’ experience is to be taken into consideration. Practical guidelines for good school practice are also given.Od svih aritmetičkih operacija djeca imaju najviše problema sa dijeljenjem. Jedan od mogućih razloga je dvostruka priroda dijeljenja , koja podrazumijeva podjelu i raščlanjivanje kao modele dijeljenja. Rad se bavi problemom prevladavanja modela dijeljenja u različitim dobnim skupinama, od djeteta do odraslih. Štoviše rad sagledava tu prevlast u odnosu na spol, društveno-ekonomski status, sposobnosti učenja, vrstu škole/okruženja i udžbenika matematike. Rezultati pokazuju da partitativni model dijeljenja prevladava u svim dobnim skupinama bez obzira na varijable. U radu smo prezentirali i kratku analizu udžbenika matematike za osnovnu školu u našoj zemlji, pošto smatramo da bi s obzirom na učeničko iskustvo u školskoj praksi trebalo primijeniti partitativni model. Rad sadrži i praktične smjernice primjene u školskoj praksi.Fra tutte le operazioni aritmetiche i bambini hanno le difficoltà più frequenti con la divisione.Una delle possibili cause può essere la duplice natura della divisione che presenta come modelli di divisione la distribuzione e la partizione. Il saggio si occupa della dominazione di un unico modello di divisione nelle varie fasce d\u27età, dall\u27infanzia all\u27età adulta. Inoltre, il saggio prende in esame tale dominazione in relazione al sesso, allo status economico-sociale, alla capacità di apprendere, al tipo di scuola / o contesto e al libro di testo. I risultati indicano che il modello partitivo di divisione domina in tutte la fasce d\u27età, indipendentemente dalle variabili. Nel saggio abbiamo presentato anche una breve analisi di un manuale di matematica per la scuola elementare del nostro paese, in quanto siamo convinti che, considerata l\u27esperienza degli alunni nella realtà scolastica, andrebbe applicato il modello partitivo. Il saggio presenta anche indicazioni pratiche sull\u27applicazione di tale modello a scuola

    Testing the Effect of Aggressive Beverage on the Damage of Enamel Structure

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    BACKGROUND: Dental erosion is a common problem in modern societies, owing to the increased consumption of acid drinks such as soft drinks, sports drinks, fruit juice. Examining the enamel surface with the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) enables more precise registering and defining the changes of enamel surface structure and microhardness. This method can be used to compare the efficiency of application of different preventive and therapy materials and medicaments in dentistry. The chronic regular consumption of low pH cola drinks encouraged the erosion of the teeth. The loss of anatomy and sensitivity are direct results of acid cola dissolving coronal tooth material. Under the influence of coca cola, a change of crystal structure and nanomorphology on enamel surface occurs.AIM: This paper reflects dental damage from abusive cola drinking, and the clinical presentation can be explained from data presented in this thesis.MATERIAL AND METHODS: The trial was conducted on a total of 40 extracted teeth which were divided into two groups treated with the solution of coca cola during 5 minutes, and then prepared and tested with a standard AFM procedure, type SPM-5200. Quantitative analysis was performed by comparing the roughness parameters (Ra) of the treated and non-treated sample.RESULTS: Based on the test of a hypothesis of the existence of differences between the treated and untreated sample, with an application of a t-test, it is shown that there are statistically highly significant differences between Ra of the treated sample with a 5-minute treatment of coca cola and Ra of the same sample without the treatment.CONCLUSION: Use of AFM enables successful monitoring of changes on enamel surface as well as the interpretation of the ultrastructural configuration of the crystal stage and the damage created under the influence of different external factors

    Management, Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Acetylcholinesterase as a Biomarker of the Toxic Effects of Pesticides in People Occupationally Exposed

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    AIM: The paper presents research on the most common causes of exposure that leads to disorders of cholinesterase activity, as well as an overview of the results of cholinesterase activity with the poisoned people.MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a group of 35 acute poisoned patients by organophosphate compounds has led to inhibition of AchE. A total number of examined workers are 175 in the chemical industry and agricultural production in the area of Rasina District-Serbia.RESULTS: The results showed that among workers who are constantly exposed to pesticides, acetylcholinesterase is within the reference value. Having examined the medical records of these workers, it is noted that, at 72%, there is a slight fall of AchE activity, each year. The workers who had been exposed to pesticides at the time of testing had acetylcholinesterase regarding reference value, but 52% of them had a few years ago significantly reduced the value of the activity of acetylcholinesterase, which was treated and then transferred to other jobs. The 48% of these workers had acetylcholinesterase regarding benchmarks or were transferred to other jobs, for a variety of other health problems.CONCLUSION: Using each pesticide should only deal with people who are well versed in the way of its use, as well as the way of protecting them from poisoning

    Mathematics anxiety

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    Matematično anksioznost običajno definiramo kot občutek napetosti, zaskrbljenosti ali strahu, ki ovira storilnost/uspešnost pri matematiki. Čeprav se o vzrokih matematične anksioznosti raziskovalci še niso poenotili, pa lahko med dejavnike tveganja štejemo neustrezne stile poučevanja. Posledice matematične anksioznosti se kažejo na osebnem in akademskem področju. Najbolj prodorno je nagnjenje k izogibanju matematiki in matematičnim aktivnostim, kar oslabi posameznikove matematične kompetence in ovira karierne odločitve. S tega vidika je nujno, da učitelji razumejo vzroke matematične anksioznosti in učencem ustrezno pomagajo. Prispevek podaja pregled literature in omenjeni problem osvetli z vidika vzrokov, posledic, instrumentov za merjenje ter intervencijskih programov. Navedena so tudi nekatera znanstvena spoznanja, ki obravnavajo razlike v spolu in starosti glede na matematično anksioznost. Ker gre za dokaj običajen pojav tudi med učitelji razrednega pouka in lahko resno ovira njihovo poučevanje, se prispevek dotakne tudi tega vidika.Mathematics anxiety is commonly defined as a feeling of tension, apprehension or fear that interferes with a students\u27 performance in math classes. Although the causes of math anxiety are undetermined, some teaching styles have been identified as risk factors. Mathematics anxiety can cause personal and educational problems. This can lead to the common tendency of avoiding mathematics, which may ultimately hinder math competence and make important career paths unobtainable. It is imperative that teachers understand the causes of their students’math anxiety and offer them proper help. This article defines the current problem and provides a review of selected literature on the causes and consequences of mathematics anxiety and assessment and intervention programs. Some findings about math anxiety and gender and age differences are given.Mathematics anxiety is also a common phenomenon among elementary school teachers and can seriously interfere with their teaching. For this reason, the article also presents a viewpoint of this particular problem

    Математичка анксиозност

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    Математичката анксиозност се дефинира како чувство на напнатост, загриженост или страв, кое ја попречува успешноста, ефикасноста во учењето математика. Истражувачите не се единствени за тоа кои се факторите поради кои се јавува, но сметаат дека несоодветниот стил на поучување може да биде фактор за појава на математичката анксиозност. Последиците од математичката анксиозност можат да бидат како на лично, така и на академско поле - постои силна тенденција за избегнување на математиката и математичките активности која ги намалува индивидуалните математички вештини на поединецот и истовремено го попречува во донесувањето на одлуки за сопствениот избор на кариера. Од оваа гледна точка е потребно наставниците да ги разберат причините за појава на математичката анксиозност и да им дадат соодветна помош на учениците истата да ја надминат. Во трудот е даден преглед на литература и истражувања на овој проблем во однос на причините, ефектите, инструменти за мерење и интервентните програми. Цитирани се некои научни истражувања во врска со решавање на математичката анксиозност врз основа на половите и возрасните разлики. Бидејќи математичката анксиозност е честа појава меѓу одделенските наставниците, трудот го допира и овој аспект. Во практиката, проблемот на математичка анксиозност кај одделнските наставници може сериозно да влијае на нивниот стил на поучување на математиката

    From memories of the past to anticipations of the future:pre-service elementary teachers’ mathematical identity work

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    Abstract This study explored mathematical identity work by drawing on the cases of Finnish and Slovenian pre-service elementary teachers. All cases reported having had negative experiences with mathematics during their school years. These experiences were shown to have a central meaning for pre-service teachers’ mathematical identities. However, identity also extends to the future. For this reason, pre-service teachers’ anticipations of the future were also explored. The concepts of narrative identity (Ricoeur, 1992) and possible selves (Markus & Nurius, 1989) were applied in the context of mathematics education. The overall narrative perspective of the study enabled a psycho-social understanding of identity. The special interest of the study was confined to an understanding of the role that educational contexts play in pre-service teachers’ mathematical identity work. Narrative inquiry was applied as a research methodology. In-depth interviews invited pre-service teachers to construct narratives of their mathematics-related experiences. These narratives were analysed holistically and categorically, as well as in terms of content and form. The findings showed striking similarities in pre-service teachers’ school-time memories. The cases in question felt like victims of their own mathematical experiences. The anticipations of mathematics teaching were also underlined by the challenges rooted in their school-time experiences. However, a surprising finding was that the identity work in which the Finnish and Slovenian cases engaged during their teacher education differed substantially. The main reasons for the differences in identity work seemed to stem from different emphases and pedagogical practices in mathematics education courses within the Finnish and Slovenian teacher education settings. The study argued that identity work can be facilitated during teacher education. To begin such a process, it would be central to focus on pre-service teachers’ biographical context through narrative pedagogical tools. The findings also showed that neglecting issues from school-time experiences might engender further challenges for pre-service teachers’ future mathematics teaching. Finally, the study argued for the need to openly address identity during teacher education. The significant theoretical contribution of the study is the conceptualisation of ‘mathematical identity work’.Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin matemaattista identiteettityötä suomalaisten ja slovenialaisten luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden kokemusten kautta. Opiskelijoiden mukaan heillä oli ollut omana kouluaikanaan kielteisiä matematiikan opintoihin liittyviä kokemuksia, joilla osoitettiin olevan negatiivisia vaikutuksia opiskelijoiden matemaattisiin identiteetteihin. Koska tutkimuksessa korostuu identiteetin tulevaisuusaspekti, tarkastelun kohteina olivat opiskelijoiden tulevaisuuteen liittyvät toiveet ja odotukset. Tutkimuksessa sovellettiin narratiivisen identiteetin (Ricoeur, 1992) ja mahdollisten minuuksien (Markus & Nurius, 1989) käsitteitä matematiikan opetuksen kontekstissa. Identiteetin ymmärtämisen psyko-sosiaalisena ilmiönä mahdollisti narratiivinen näkökulma. Erityinen huomio kohdistettiin siihen, millainen merkitys kasvatuksellisilla konteksteilla on luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden matemaattisessa identiteettityössä. Tutkimusmetodologiana käytettiin narratiivista tutkimusta. Opiskelijat kertoivat syvähaastatteluissa matematiikkaan liittyvistä kokemuksistaan. Nämä narratiivit analysoitiin holistisesti ja kategorisesti ottaen huomioon myös niiden sisältö ja muoto. Tuloksista ilmenee merkittävää samankaltaisuutta luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden omaan kouluaikaan liittyvissä muistoissa. Monet esimerkiksi kuvailivat itsensä uhreiksi. Myös tulevaan matematiikan opetukseen liittyvät ennakko-odotukset olivat värittyneet opettajaopiskelijoiden omaan kouluaikaan liittyvien haasteellisten kokemusten kautta. Yllättävä tulos oli se, että suomalaisten ja slovenialaisten opiskelijoiden luokanopettajakoulutuksen aikainen identiteettityö erosi huomattavasti toisistaan. Erojen pääsyynä ovat nähtävästi erilaiset painotukset ja käytänteet opettajankoulutuksen matematiikan pedagogisissa opinnoissa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että identiteettityötä voidaan pyrkiä edistämään opettajankoulutuksen aikana. Prosessin aloittamiseksi olisi tärkeää kohdentaa huomio opettajaopiskelijoiden elämäkerrallisiin konteksteihin soveltamalla narratiivisia pedagogisia työkaluja. Sillä että omaan kouluaikaan liittyviä kokemuksia ei oteta huomioon, voi olla kielteisiä heijastuksia opettajaopiskelijoiden tulevaan matematiikan opetukseen. Tutkimuksen mukaan identiteetti on syytä ottaa avoimesti tarkasteluun opettajankoulutuksen aikana. Tutkimuksen teorian kannalta merkittävä anti on termin matemaattinen identiteettityö käsitteellistäminen

    Pre-service mathematics teachers’ narrated failure:stories of resilience

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    Abstract In educational research, failure has often been touched upon as a by-product, but rarely has failure been investigated without attempting to find ways around it instead of attempting to simply understand it better. This paper provides insight into a pilot study on understanding math failure through narrative. I analyse two pre-service mathematics teachers’ narratives about failure and identity in order to illustrate their personal understandings of their own failures. The analysed stories provide insight into the subjects and their failure resilience, and initiate a discussion on subjective understanding of resilience. These stories also illustrate the need to further research regarding the subjective understandings of failure in general and in math specifically

    How failure shapes teacher identities:pre-service elementary school and mathematics teachers’ narrated possible selves

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    Abstract This study explored pre-service teachers’ possible teacher selves with respect to how they have been shaped by their experiences of math failure. The study contributes to identity research by applying the theory of possible selves and by comparing and contrasting narrated possible teacher selves of pre-service elementary school teachers and pre-service mathematics teachers. Three categories of possible selves were identified: teacher traits and actions, student strategies, and teacher self-development. How possible teacher selves may inform teacher identity development and teacher preparation in the context of teaching mathematics is discussed, as are methodological considerations for examining narrated possible selves